Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Waist Not, Want Not.

There's something so wonderful about a good pair of pants. Lately, all I've desired is a comfortable, yet fashionable, pair of trousers. A 1950's, Katherine Hepburn, kind of pant. Such a beautiful silhouette. Sometimes I wonder why I enjoy vintage clothing as much as I do. Even when I was a small girl I used to dream of going back in time so I could be a pioneer and wear dresses, just like Laura Ingalls. It always seemed that those years were so much more lovely. I think it's just the feeling..

Because I just feel so inspired.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Long locks I love.

I've decided to grow my hair out. Or rather, I have grown my hair out. Really, I haven't had hair this lengthy since about grade eight, but I still feel like I'm in the middle of this "long" process. Ha!
A few months ago I was contemplating cutting my hair short (pixie cut short!), inspired by none other than than the lovely Audrey Hepburn, but my momma convinced me to try growing it out first.
So, I set out to look for lovely long haired ladies to inspire me, trying to avoid all the picture of Audrey that came my way, and now I'm so happy that I decided to grow out my tresses.

This is my hair now! And I must say that I've come to love it very much.
Thanks mom!

1.2.&3. via Adore-Vintage

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Beautiful Beautiful Rest

This past week has been one of the laziest of my entire life. On Monday I went to the Emergency Room with an extremely sore throat and, four and a half hours later, I found out I had strep throat. So, I've been confined to my room. No work. Barely any contact with the outside world. Just me, my laptop, a pile of books, and a whole lot of tea.
The thing is that I've discovered I hate just wearing, well the best word I can think to use is: schlumpy clothes all the time. I might be sick but I still like to feel... pretty. An oversized t-shirt and old sweatpants are only good for so long.
So I put on my prettiest pair of leggings, a very comfortable lace bra, and a nice flowy top.

Then I went hunting on the internet, browsing all my favorite online stores to find beautiful nightgowns, sweatpants, and other loungewear to dream about. I found some amazing stuff. Now I know what to go shopping for next!

1.via adorevintage.com
2.&3. via anthropologie.com

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A little bit of lace.

I find it funny that I am so obsessed with lace. When I was young I thought any kind of frill to be incredibly distasteful. Now I can't get enough of it.

My friends laugh at how overly romantic I can be. I tend to be so old-fashioned and dreamy. It's like I'm dancing around in my own little pretty world. And it's true! In everything that I do I try to create a feeling of soft beauty. That old kind of beauty where details are important and everything is made with the utmost care. I think that's the main reason why I find lace so alluring. It is a small detail that adds so much to the simplest of pieces. It gives character and appeal. It creates that wonderful vintage feel and that elegance that I miss. I just adore it!

I definitely need to think about adding a little more lace to my closet.

1. 2. & 3. Found via adorevintage.com
4. Found via anthropologie.com

Thursday, March 18, 2010

the scarecrow's brain

I want a straw hat. Desperately. I've been seeing them everywhere lately, and have begun to realize just how very divine they are. I think it's the sunshine. It's got me thinking of soft colours and lovely straw chapeaus. It's all so incredibly... je ne sais quoi.

I just want one.

photo credit
1. flickr via freeparking
2. flickr via foxandfeathers

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

old time inspiration

This march break has been one that is absolutely full of old movies. I've been having an absolutely wonderful and super relaxing time.

I have never felt more inspired than when I watched Patricia Neal learn of Michael Rennie's true alien identity, and then face an 8 foot robot, all while looking absolutely fabulous in a gorgeous black collared dress.

I think I'm beginning to become quite obsessed with pretty bows and collared shirts and dresses.
I love the elegance of it all, and have been trying my hardest to recreate these looks. Sadly, as I don't really have any real bow ties to wear, I have been improvising, tying skinny scarfs into pretty loopy things, with relative success. I'll try and show you in an outfit post hopefully sometime in the near future.

Anyways, I have found myself hunting down old pictures of these lovely movie stars, and I believe I've been relatively successful. I especially like these ones of Natalie Wood. They make me want to wear vintage bathing suits and nightgowns all the time, no matter how cold it is outside, just because their so gorgeous.

Picture Credit
1. Google
2. flickr via Music2MyEars
3. flickr via Music2MyEars

Friday, March 12, 2010

artists use lies to tell the truth

Art inspires me so much. The colour, the texture. It's all so moving and gorgeous. I think it would be a wonderful thing to create an outfit based solely on a painting. In fact, I plan on doing just that.

1. bedroom at arles -vincent van gogh
2. geranium dancing - claudia mccabe
3. kaleidoscope - claudia mccabe